Friday, June 27, 2008

Welcome Friends!

So, you must have come here from Lucas' World or from somewhere else. Nevertheless, The Goo and Squeak will be coming to you just as often as their Dad allows.

It's a tough, unpaid job. Perhaps we should sell something on this site. Whatta you think? Cameron thinks we could sell our dirty diapers...seems someone recently purchased Abe Lincon's hair for over $500,000!!!!!! We're working on our concept.

In the meantime, let's kinda re-begin our story...

"Hi. I'm Lucas - known better as, 'The Goo.'"

"This here's my brother...

His name is Cameron. Dad's called him "Squeak" for most of his whole life.

Cameron, say 'Hi.'"

"Hello friends! My big brother's pretty cool, don'tcha think? Someday, he'll really respect my superhero skills!"

"See, little does he know, my Jedi-like skills in the art of 'toxic fumes' is simply the tip of the iceburg."

Well, anyhows, we hope you like our new and improved internets site. Come by often and send us a link to yours if you want.


GJ said...

ooh, I get to leave the first comment! Nice new website and I can't wait to read more about your adventures. Things aren't so adventurous at our house these days....we're just sitting around waiting for a baby to be born, and wondering what Mia means when she says "Dadooo Dadoo" a million times.

Anonymous said...

Grandma in Nashville sends you greeting and salutations and best wishes as you two brothers begin your great adventures. (If you need any tips, I recall a few from the time when your Dad was little and had two big sisters.) Love and kisses, Grandma

Anonymous said...

This message is for your dad Toby. I know he's really busy but I hope he learns to spell your name correctly - Timmer??? Anyway, good luck Lucas & Cameron with your dad! He's a pretty silly guy.

The Goo & Squeak: said...

Good editing. Thanks Mary. The change has been made.